How to Write a CV in the UK: Tips, Template & Example
Learn how to write a good CV in a few steps. Make a successful CV for a UK job market following a dedicated CV template, expert tips, and examples.
Since 2013, the LiveCareer UK team has been helping jobseekers find their dream jobs. We’re bringing you closer to your career goals through extensive resources, expert knowledge, and research-based advice. We build our guides on study data and expert consultation to keep you abreast of current trends and best practices. Our comprehensive guides share tips and tricks on writing strong CVs and cover letters and help win job interviews faster and with greater courage. We've already helped thousands, and you can be next.
Learn how to write a good CV in a few steps. Make a successful CV for a UK job market following a dedicated CV template, expert tips, and examples.
How to write a cover letter for a job in 2025? This guide offers a step-by-step explanation and actionable tips for writing a cover letter for UK jobs.
How to write a personal statement? The best CV personal statement examples, and pro tips on writing a personal statement for UK jobs.
Hard to decide on the right CV format? View these best UK CV format examples, see how to format a CV, and turn all the ideas into concrete actions.
Discover how to format a cover letter in the UK. Uncover the essential steps and an expert cover letter format example to tailor yours easily in 2025.
How long should a cover letter be? Find out the answer for any professional, including a teacher seeking a teaching job, a PhD, or an academic position.
What to include in a cover letter for a job application in the UK? Industry-leading tips on what to put in a cover letter, with examples and explanations.
How to start a cover letter for a job in the UK? Open a cover letter like a pro with our writing tips and cover letter introduction examples.
What does a CV stand for? Read our comprehensive guide and learn the CV meaning compared to a resume meaning. No more asking “What’s a CV?” since now.
How to end a cover letter in the UK? Get cover letter ending tips in the definitive guide on how to sign off a cover letter. Cover letter ending templates.
How long should a CV for a job be? How many pages should a CV be in the UK? Check the answers, writing advice, and tips on shortening your CV here.
What is a cover letter for a job application? What is the purpose of writing a covering letter? A great CV isn't enough–see what a cover letter can do for you.
Writing your first-ever graduate CV? Check our comprehensive guide featuring a graduate CV example, template, expert tips, and tricks to make your CV stand out.
Writing an academic CV requires a focus on showcasing your academic and professional accomplishments. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create it to continue your research.
Jak napisać CV po angielsku? Zobacz sprawdzony wzór brytyjskiego CV wraz z darmowymi przykładami, które możesz użyć i stwórz swoje CV w kilka minut.
Write a hospitality CV that will get the job. Read our guide and learn how to make your CV for hospitality stand out from the crowd with top examples.
Whether you're writing a graduate software developer CV, junior software developer CV or senior software developer CV, don't let poor UX let you down!
See great customer service CV examples that’ll help you whether you need to write a CV for customer service assistant jobs or a customer service manager CV.
Discover inspiring CV examples for students and land your dream opportunities. Build a great student CV template that sets you apart from the crowd.
Laser-target your marketing CV with our best marketing examples and templates. Check our writing tips for marketing CV for all experience levels.
Your investment banking CV is your biggest personal capital-raising opportunity – read on to learn how to write the best CV for investment banking bar none.
Writing a good care assistant CV requires attention to detail. See how to write a CV for care assistant roles to prove your dedication and patience.
With our shop assistant CV example and step-by-step writing guide, you will learn how to write a shop assistant CV that will get you the job you want.
How to write a bartender CV? Check out our bartender CV example, including tips on how to nail your bartender CV skills, specific to the UK.
Check our cleaner CV example with skills examples for all cleaning jobs. Fill in our CV template and buff up your cleaner CV to get a shiny new job.
This is one thing you can't design your way out of—see how to write an effective designer CV following a designer CV example and UK-specific guide.
Write a business analyst CV that turns heads. Read our comprehensive guide with a business analyst CV example and embrace a new career opportunity quickly.
How to write a waitress CV? Check out our top waitress CV example, including tips on how to write your waitress skills specific to the UK job market.
Show your career in the right light & using the right lens, follow our photographer's CV template & examples to write your own photography CV.
What’s the best font for a CV, and does it even matter? Get the answers and discover handy formatting tips with our top 10 CV font examples for 2025.
Learn to write a teacher CV that's top of the class. See a professional teacher CV example for the UK & follow the tips to make a great teacher CV template.
They say you’re irreplaceable in helping people and looking after their health and well-being. Now, it’s time to showcase it in your support worker CV and land your ideal job.
How to write a video editor CV that’s good to look at? Check out our video editor CV example and ways to stand out from the pile of video editor CVs.
How to write a great retail assistant CV that sales? Check out our retail CV examples for retail assistants in the UK. Expert tips included!
Learn how to write a barista CV hat's specific to the UK. See barista CV examples with skills and duties and write your own job-winning CV quickly.
Explore hobbies and interests for a CV that go beyond the mundane. Review the list and pick ones that showcase your unique personality and valuable skills.
Learn what are the soft skills and how to include them in your CV. Discover the most important soft skills examples that are most sought after by employers.
What are the best communication skills to add to your CV? Check our list of 20+ communication skills examples that are vital for the success of your career.
See 40+ IT skills examples for a CV and learn how to include them for maximum impact. Read this guide for training tips on improving your IT skills.
Learn how to write a receptionist CV with our comprehensive guide. Follow our expert tips and receptionist CV example and create your job-winning CV.
How to write a creative digital marketing CV? Check our digital marketing CV examples, tips from career experts, and a ready-to-fill CV template.
How to write an IT CV smarter than the newest technology? Check out our example IT CV, dedicated template, and ways to stand out from the pile of CVs.
How to write a professional project manager CV that is up to the task? Check our 8 project manager CV examples and templates for all seniority levels.
How to write a graphic design CV? Check our graphic designer CV examples, personal statement writing tips, and ways to stand out from the pile of CVs.
How to write an Europass CV that stands out if they all look the same? Check out our dedicated Europass CV template, expert examples, and writing tips.
How to write a high-rise architecture CV? Check out our architecture CV examples, personal statement writing tips for architect CVs, all specific to the UK.
How to make a PhD application CV that entices reviewers and secures your spot in the academic spotlight? Get the answers with a PhD CV example & tips.
Seeking the very first job and looking for tips on how to write a CV for a 16-year-old? This guide will help to kick-start your professional career.
See a perfect chef CV and learn how to write one through expert examples and dedicated CV template that look as good as your most exquisite dishes.
How to write a good pharmacist CV in the UK? Check out our pharmacist CV template, including pharmacy personal statement examples and expert tips.
Craft your artist's CV like a professional. Unleash your creativity on paper, taking inspiration from our artist CV example & dedicated expert tips.
Don't neglect your office manager CV in the whirlwind of multitasking that is your job, check out our winning office manager CV example and UK-specific guide.
How to write an account manager CV that sells? Check out our account manager CV example and writing tips, all specific to the UK. Sample CVs included.
Let your personal trainer's CV do the heavy lifting. See a CV for a personal trainer example, get UK-specific templates & plenty of useful tips.
From a sales assistant CV to a sales executive CV: see how to write a winning sales CV. It's up to you to do the hard sells in between level-ups.
A data-driven CV worthy of a data analyst title. See a dedicated data analyst CV example for a graduate, a junior analyst, and a senior professional.
How to write a warehouse operative CV? Check out our CV for warehouse operative applications and warehouse operative CV example.
Nail your cover letter layout and create a powerful first impression. Including cover letter layout examples and tips for email cover letter layout.
Learn how to address a cover letter including how to write the cover letter address when you don’t know the name and how to address a cover letter via email.
Write a motivational letter and strengthen your application. Express your enthusiasm and hope for the opportunity with a perfect motivation letter for a job.
How to write a customer service cover letter in the UK? See industry-leading customer service cover letter examples, with expert tips and explanations.
How to write a cover letter for an administrative assistant? Learn what to include in an administrative assistant cover letter from our examples.
How to write a legal cover letter? See an industry-leading law cover letter example for trainee solicitors and training contracts, with expert tips.
A data-driven approach to writing a business analyst cover letter whether your application is for a graduate, entry-level or senior business analyst position.
How to prepare a PhD application in the UK? Learn from our examples and write a perfect PhD cover letter with tips and samples without much effort.
How to write a sales cover letter in the UK? See industry-leading cover letter examples for sales jobs, with tips and explanations.
Is ‘please find attached my CV’ the right statement? See alternatives to ‘please find my CV attached’ and check when you might need to use them.
HR professionals need CV pointers, too. See HR CV examples including HR work experience, get UK-based templates & plenty of good, expert advice.
How to write a medical CV? Check out our medical CV template, including tips on how to write your first job application, specific to the UK.
How to write a restaurant manager CV? Check out our restaurant manager CV sample, including tips on restaurant manager CV format, specific to the UK.
How to write a good recruitment consultant CV? Check out our recruitment consultant CV example and step-by-step writing guide specific to the UK.
How to write a high-rise architecture cover letter in the UK? See industry-leading architect cover letter examples, with tips and explanations.
There's no higher ROI than the one you get on the time you invest in your investment banking cover letter. See this guide and learn how to write one.
Marketing cover letter UK guide: see marketing cover letter examples and max out all the metrics when writing a cover letter for marketing jobs.
How to write an engineering cover letter in the UK? See industry-leading engineering cover letter examples with expert tips and useful explanations.
How to write a graphic design cover letter in the UK? See industry-leading graphic designer cover letter examples, with expert tips and explanations.
How to write a teaching assistant cover letter in the UK? See top-of-the-class cover letter examples for teaching assistant jobs, with tips and explanations.
How to write a compelling consulting cover letter in the UK? See industry-leading consulting cover letter examples, expert tips, and explanations.
How to write a cover letter for a retail job in the UK? Check the tips, example and templates for writing a retail cover letter for sales assistants.
Dowiedz się, jak napisać list motywacyjny po angielsku. Zobacz wzór angielskiego listu, przykłady i przydatne zwroty. Napisz własny dokument, który da ci pracę.
Discover the art of crafting the perfect references on a CV. Master the when and how for a stellar CV presentation based on dedicated examples & tips.
See how to write a bartender cover letter stronger than a Margarita. Check what to include in a bar work cover letter to get you the job in the UK.
How to lay out a CV in the UK? Ace it with the best CV layout examples and ideas, including simple and modern templates.
Transferable skills are the key to advancing your career. Learn what they are, why they're important, and see the best examples in our transferable skills list.
Looking for a free CV template to download? See our curated list of free CV templates you can use in the UK and quickly land your dream job.
See the best 15 editable creative CV templates carefully chosen by career experts. Use our creative cv template and download your CV in Word or PDF format.
View free Word CV templates in UK format to enhance your job search. Explore user-friendly and professional designs, handpicked to suit various career needs.
Using a unique CV template can help your resume stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on employers. Check out our list of the best CV templates to use now.
Explore our collection of 15 simple CV templates. These basic CV templates for the UK market use a clean, simple CV format that appeals to recruiters.
Check out the selection of 12 best designed CV templates. Learn how to design a CV yourself to impress hiring managers with your stylish professionalism.
Resume vs CV. What are the differences between them? Is their format any different? And which one should you use in the UK? Check the answers here.
How do you write a promising CV for finance jobs? Check out our expert finance CV examples and tips on finance CV templates, specific to the UK job market.
How to write a fashion CV that makes a ‘wow’ effect? Check fashion CV examples, personal statement, and tips on fashion CV format specific to the UK.
See the job-winning admin CV examples for the UK job market. Learn how to write an office administrator CV that shows you manage all the paperwork.
Writing a compelling teacher cover letter is crucial to make a positive first impression on a potential employer. See how to impress a principal using this comprehensive guide.
How to write an acting CV? Check our acting CV template, including tips on actor’s CV format, and dedicated examples specific to the UK job market.
Make a strong case by working on an exemplary law/legal CV example & template. Take great advice that will make your law CV illegally perfect.
See how you can get your accountant CV ready for the Big Four. Check expert accountant CV example, template, and tips to nail your next interview.
What to include in a warehouse operative cover letter? Use our cover letter for a warehouse operative with expert tips and examples to land a job.
How to structure a cover letter in the UK? See main parts and key elements to include in your cover letter structure (with examples).
A well-structured CV typically follows a standard format and layout to ensure clarity and ease of reading. In this guide, you’ll learn the best CV writing tips to master your CV.
Learn how to write a computer science CV that starts with a strong computer science personal statement. Check expert examples and dedicated template.
Check the CV for an electrician that will electrify the recruiter. Learn how to make an electrical CV with proven examples, templates, and key tips.
Get the crucial hands-on introduction to working life. Learn how to write a CV for work experience that opens doors and launches your career in style.
See when to use a skills based CV and how to write it for the UK job market. Learn from the free skills based CV examples and download a functional CV template.
Looking for a blank CV template? Check our comprehensive list where career experts have picked the best blank CV templates for the UK job market.
Dowiedz się, jak napisać CV po angielsku i zobacz wzór dobrze napisanego CV do pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii. Sprawdź o czym pamiętać, by dostać pracę na Wyspach.
See a collection of best professional LaTeX CV templates selected by experts. Simple, modern, and creative LaTeX CV templates for academics and more!
Choose one of 14 visual CV templates from career advisors and make your CV visually appealing. Use our visual CV examples to stand out from the crowd.
Want to know how to write a perfect CV for the job application in the UK? Check our CV examples and templates and format a perfect CV yourself.
Learning to write work experience in a CV boosts your chances of being appreciated and hired. See how to make the CV work experience section perfect.
A good CV structure is the foundation of a successful job application. Learn how to structure a CV perfectly and make a professional first impression.
How long should a CV be in 2025? Learn whether you should write a one-page CV and get tips on keeping it concise with our template and examples.
Your portfolio is essential, but you won’t get any modelling jobs without an outstanding CV. See how to write a model CV with UK examples and a template.
Learn everything you need to know about what to include in a CV. Our guide will show you things you should include in a CV with expert tips and tricks.
Apply for jobs before they’re advertised. In this guide, you’ll learn how to make a speculative CV that puts you miles ahead of your competition.
See how to include personal details on your CV. Read a guide which includes examples of a CV with personal information. Read expert tips and advice.
In many cases, the date of birth on a CV is not demanded and even not necessary. However, there are situations where it comes in handy. Want to learn more about it? Read on.
Wondering whether to put your address on a CV? Explore when to skip your CV address and when to perfect your CV address presentation for success.
You need solid on-field performance to get signed, but it’s not enough–follow along with our football CV template and score one over your competition!
How to write a good CV summary and win more job interviews in the UK? See our CV summary examples and ideas, even for candidates with no experience.
Is it illegal to lie on your CV? Can you hand in a fake CV? Lying on a CV is a terrible idea either way. There's no such thing as white lies on a CV. See why.
Forget about generic sales assistant CV. This CV example for sales assistant will teach you how to present your best traits & sales assistant skills.
Small changes can make a big difference. Get 30+ simple to implement CV writing tips for the UK that'll take your job application to the next level.
Check the examples of extracurricular activities you should include in your CV. Learn which CV extracurricular activities UK recruiters prefer to see.
Writing an engineering CV isn't as tough as designing engineering experiments. See engineering CV examples that will help you pursue new innovations.
Learn how to create a first-grade teaching assistant CV with expert CV examples, writing tips, and templates. Also for candidates with no experience.
Your receptionist cover letter is the front desk to your career. Learn how to write an effective cover letter for a receptionist with examples here.
An office administrator cover letter has to showcase all the qualities that make for a good administrator. See our office administrator example and tips.
Short cover letters are sometimes much more effective than robust ones. Learn how to write an effective yet simple job application letter for the UK job market.
Writing an successful cover letter for a training contract is not easy – but it's not as hard as you may think. See a law contract cover letter example here.
Learn how to write the perfect cover letter by following along with a UK-specific sample & expert tips that'll make writing the perfect cover letter achievable.
See the list of the best customer service skills examples and learn how to improve them. Check how to put customer service skills on your CV.
Unlock your career potential with 14 modern CV templates selected by experts for UK market. Download & step into your dream career with confidence.
Are Canva CV templates good for the UK job market? Check our assessment of Canva CV templates and discover the best alternatives for your CV.
UX is just as essential in your web developer CV as it is on the web. Check out expert web developer CV examples and learn how to craft yours.
See a step-by-step guide on how to write a school-leaver CV for the UK. We’ve included numerous school-leaver CV examples to make writing even easier.
Writing a career change CV isn’t something you do often. Do this career switch with grace, using expert career change CV examples for comprehension.
Keep track of your career's vitals and learn how to make a nurse CV that will impress any matron. See nursing CV examples and forge your career path.
See our guide on how to write a part-time job CV for the UK with plenty of good CV examples. Also for students and candidates with no work experience.
How to write a cover letter for an internship that'll get you the desired job position? See a sample cover letter and templates for an internship in the UK.
Don’t do too much explaining in a career change cover letter, focus on the positives. Check our career change cover letter examples for inspiration.
Learn how to write a speculative cover letter that gets results with our step-by-step writing guide and speculative cover letter example for the UK.
Writing a cover letter for a sales assistant job can be as simple as a post-sale stock-take, including writing a sales assistant cover letter with no experience.
Hit the ground running with a top-notch graduate cover letter, whether you need a graduate scheme cover letter example or a graduate job cover letter.
Learn how to write an academic cover letter, whether as a graduate or post-doc. See academic cover letter examples for a university with great advice.
Keep Lidl in your sights by writing a cover letter for a Lidl job. Need a cover letter for a Lidl customer assistant job? See examples.
You have a lot on your mind, let us take care of your retail assistant manager CV or retail store manager CV. See a retail manager CV example here.
LinkedIn can be a powerful networking & job-hunting tool (or a necessary evil), learn how to add your CV to LinkedIn & decide how you want to use it.
We all know that you need an effective CV to win the job interview, but what makes it a good CV? Check out good CV examples and layout to see for yourself.
Using strong action words for a CV can make your accomplishments and responsibilities more impactful. Study this guide and see a list of action verbs you can apply to your CV.
You deal with a lot of technical, bureaucratic documents. Don’t let your paralegal CV be one of them and follow our paralegal CV example instead.
There is such a thing as a generic cover letter, but it's best avoided. Learn how to write a general cover letter that isn’t generic (with examples included).
See how to write your education on a CV the right way. Make sure your education section makes the grade with our expert examples and tested tips.
Learn how to write a CV for a job with no experience or qualifications. See CV examples for students with no experience and other job applicants.
Learn how to write your degree on a UK CV to ensure it reflects the time and effort you invested, giving it the recognition it truly deserves.
A lot of questions can arise when you look into how to write a cover letter email. See sample email cover letter here. Templates included.
Writing a paralegal cover letter can be a high-stress, high-stakes affair. See some great paralegal cover letter examples, tips, and expert advice.
What should you include in a team leader CV in the UK? What's the best CV format for a team leader position? Get all the answers + team leader CV examples.
Preparing the first CV template? Scan through our good CV examples for the first job to make your job hunt a breeze. Expert tips and hints included.
Gathering all the ingredients is one thing, but knowing how to outline a good CV is something else entirely. Check the proper CV outline in the UK.
Too busy in the lab or poring over databases to learn how to write the best possible research assistant cover letter? We’ve done the research for you, check it out.
Is the angry hiss of an espresso machine less intimidating than writing a barista cover letter? Grab a cuppa and let us walk you through it.
Write your project manager cover letter like a pro. Get inspired by our project manager cover letter example, follow our expert tips and land your dream job.
You’ve put so much effort into writing your CV, it’d be a shame if no one read it. Here’s how you can write the best CV introduction to keep recruiters reading.
How to write key CV achievements for a CV to wow recruiters? See key achievements examples for various jobs & make your CV shine brighter than the competition.
Check our guide on how to write a biomedical science CV. Use personal profile and skills examples or fill in the CV template for faster CV creation.
You tend to others’ busy schedules and productivity for a living. Take some time for yourself and invest in your executive assistant CV. Here’s a step-by-step instruction that works.
See our beauty therapist CV template. Learn how to write beauty therapist CV with our sample CV and examples. Also for beauty therapists with no experience.
Create a CV objective recruiters will not be able to resist, and you'll be well on your way to your career goals. An objective on a CV opens many doors.
Unlock the power of your CV with our curated technical skills examples accompanied by expert advice. Elevate your CV and show your technical prowess.
Check out our list of 60+ essential computer skills examples (basic and advanced level) and learn how to improve them. See how to add computer skills to a CV.
You can’t just write ‘I’m a people person’ on your CV. Here’s how to leverage strong interpersonal skills examples to get an interview.
You ‘love working closely with others’. You’re a ‘team-player who can also work independently’. Not anymore. Get your CV teamwork skills out of tired buzzword territory.
What are hard skills? See hard skills examples, learn how they compare with soft skills, and learn which are the top hard skills for a CV in 2025.
Learn what is active listening and how to describe methods of active listening on your CV. Find a list of top active listening skills to bolster your job hunt.
Should you keep reading, or shouldn’t you? Tough choice? The answer is yes. We’re here to help you make the right decision with this great guide to decision-making skills.
Got a problem? We’ll help you solve it with our definitive guide to problem-solving skills and how to include them on your CV.
Everyone is employable, but some more than others, and it’s usually down to how you present your skills. So get the edge, and see the top employability skills examples in our guide.
You’ve got your shirt, your tie, and your shiny shoes—you’re presentable. But can you present? Brush up on your presentation skills and prove you’re more than just a pretty face.
In a world of fake news, biased data and hidden agendas, developing your critical thinking skills will set you apart from the swarms of droney employees.
Analytical skills: what are they and how to improve them? Check analytical skills definition and list of examples that you can add to your CV!
Key project management skills are more than just being friendly and using agile methodology. This guide will help you leverage them effectively on your CV.
See a simple resignation letter template and how to write a notice letter. This guide includes a resignation letter sample and pro tips on the best format.
Whether you’ve been asked to write a reference letter or need one written for you, we’ve got the reference letter template that clears all the doubts.
Been asked to write a recommendation letter and have no idea where to start? Have a look at our letter of recommendation sample—and write an even better one.
The time has finally come: suddenly, you need a retirement letter template. Let us help you write your retirement letter so you can focus on the future.
You got the job! You just need to figure out how to write a job acceptance letter and, in other words, how to accept your job offer with grace.
If you seek an answer on how to write an appeal letter, you’ve come to the right place. Check this guide to see an appeal letter sample and examples.
The decision’s been made, the terms negotiated. It’s time to fire off an appointment letter. Our writing guide and appointment letter sample will show you how.
Writing a termination of employment letter isn’t as difficult as the decision made before. See a contract termination letter that gets the job done.
Writing a leave letter for work involves clear communication and a professional tone. See a step-by-step guide on how to write a leave letter that covers everything it requires.
What’s done is done—you can get past this. The first step is learning how to write an apology letter, and you can do this with our expert examples.
Looking for a way to express your gratitude? Do it with a professional appreciation letter. Use our appreciation letter format to make an impact.
Wondering how to write the best interior designer CV? Find out how to present your interior design work experience and more to nail your dream job!
Frequently asked questions about account access, correct site use, and troubleshooting LiveCareer UK.
The AI CV topic attracts you, but you’re unsure if it can help your CV? Check the pros and cons of using AI CV makers and decide more easily.
A decent CV ready in minutes and without effort? Sounds good, but is it even doable? Check which free AI CV maker can take some work off your hands.
Writing a CV and feeling stuck? Check the best AI CV makers that can take some burden off you. Consider using an AI CV maker and write your CV faster.
Learn how to write a cover letter with ChatGPT. Discover tips and see our unbiased look at the pros and cons of ChatGPT cover letters.
Craft a winning CV for managerial roles with expert tips. Land your dream job as a manager in 2025 with our comprehensive guide to writing a manager CV.
Craft a winning 2025 accounts assistant CV! Learn how to incorporate accounts assistant skills, and check out our accounts assistant CV example.
Is consulting your strong asset? See how to write a consulting CV that needs no further counselling, with 9 expert consultant CV examples included.
Learn to write a volunteer CV that shows your true worth. See a sample CV for volunteer work and use expert tips to create your application.
Learn how to create a standout personal assistant CV with our expert writing tips and compelling examples. Take your job application to the next level and secure that interview!
Unlock the secrets to an outstanding scrum master CV with our comprehensive writing guide. Get insider tips, proven strategies, and scrum master CV examples.
Learn how to create an impactful tutor CV with our expert writing tips and examples. Boost your career with a CV for tutoring jobs that proves your worth.
Discover the keys to crafting a standout data scientist CV with our expert guide and useful hints. Get hired faster with tailored examples and templates.
Write a top-notch delivery driver CV with our targeted guide. Explore profession-specific examples & tips to accelerate your career in delivery driving.
Craft a dental nurse CV that outshines the rest and secures your next job. This guide offers role-specific examples and tips for a standout application.
Craft a standout hairdresser CV with our role-specific guide, expert tips, and dedicated examples. Impress salons and launch your styling career confidently.
Craft the ultimate customer service advisor CV that puts you ahead in the game. Stand out with a CV that secures your next customer service role.
Master the art of writing a CEO CV with our comprehensive guide. Gain insider tips & successful strategies, and see CEO CV examples to secure the top spot.
Learn how to write a musician CV that hits the right note! Discover professional tips, music CV examples, and tailor-made advice to showcase your talent.
Land your dream job with our expert tips on crafting a standout front-end developer CV. Discover examples and best practices to shine in 2025 & beyond.
Unlock the secrets to a standout childcare CV with our expert writing tips and powerful examples. Make your application shine and land your dream job!
Land your dream job with our expert tips on crafting a social media manager CV. Get insider advice and social media manager CV examples that will inspire you.
Write a great mechanical engineer CV with our expert tips and compelling examples. Stand out in your job applications with a CV for mechanical engineers.
In today's competitive job market, the demand for skilled professionals is higher than ever. Discover the most valuable job skills that will make you noticed.
What’s the best CV writing service in the UK? Check our selection and pick the one that aligns with your professional goals and industry requirements.
Unlock the secrets to writing an outstanding internship CV with our guide. Find insider tips, examples, and practical advice to help your intern CV stand out.
Show your worth with a professional nanny CV. See a standout nanny CV example in the UK format and use actionable tips to write your job application.
Secure your dream role with a standout marketing manager CV. Follow our expert tips and review examples to create a professional CV for marketing managers.
Unlock the secrets to crafting a compelling kitchen porter CV with our expert writing tips. See a professional sample CV for a kitchen porter and get inspired.
Expert tips on creating an effective operations manager CV. See a professional operations manager CV example and get insightful writing advice.
Land your dream law role with our definitive guide on writing a law student CV. Get expert tips, a great law student CV example, and start excelling today!
Craft the perfect interior design CV with expert tips. See an inspiring interior designer CV example and follow the steps to create your job application.
Craft a standout NHS CV with our expert writing tips and customisable template. Follow the guide to prepare a strong CV for NHS jobs.
Landing your dream pilot job starts here. Learn to create a compelling pilot CV with our expert tips, industry insights, and real-world examples.
Craft your standout cyber security CV with our expert guidelines. Get top tips, real-life examples, and start securing your dream job today!
Learn to make an exceptional data entry CV and unlock new career milestones. See our sample CV for data entry jobs and read valuable tips.
Learn to write a CV for social worker jobs with this writing guide. See a great social worker CV example and use our expert tips to craft your application.
Land your ideal job with our expert tips on creating a standout HGV driver CV. Gain insights and examples to showcase your driving career effectively.
Learn to write an effective management accountant CV. See a professional management accountant CV example and follow the instructions.
Craft a standout quantity surveyor CV with our expert tips. See our quantity surveyor CV example that features key skills, and follow the guide.
Land your dream job with our expert tips on writing an estate agent CV. Discover effective structures and see inspiring estate agent CV examples.
Unlock the secrets to a standout labourer CV with our expert tips. Personalise our labourer CV example using our specialist advice.
See an inspiring optometrist CV example and read expert advice to create a personalised optometry CV and advance your career.
Learn to craft a professional HR manager CV with our expert advice. See a top-notch HR manager CV example in the UK format and get inspired.
Land your dream role with expert tips on crafting a standout nursery assistant CV. Find guidance, polished examples, and templates to help you shine.
Unveil the art of creating a standout translator CV with our practical guide. Find expert tips and a winning translator CV example that will inspire you.
Create an impressive UX design CV with our comprehensive guide, featuring key tips and an outstanding UX designer CV example that leads the way.
Craft a standout animator CV with our expert tips. Personalise our inspiring animator CV example by following instructions from the guide.
Land your next job with our plumber CV guide. Discover top writing tips and see a professional plumber CV example you can personalise easily.
Land your next job with our expert tips on creating a standout joiner CV. Follow our joiner CV example and guide to build your perfect resume.
Craft a standout psychologist CV with our expert writing tips. See an inspiring psychologist CV example and follow the guide to personalise it.
This step-by-step guide offers insightful advice that will help you write a professional solicitor CV. See an inspiring solicitor CV example and start writing.
Craft a standout production operative CV with our expert writing guide. Get inspired by our production operative CV example and secure your next role.
Craft a stellar site manager CV with our practical guide and expert sample. Stand out and land top site management roles with unparalleled tips.
Craft your standout makeup artist CV with our expert tips, and get inspired by our stunning makeup artist CV example to secure your dream beauty career today.
Learn to write a mental health support worker CV that will help you reach new career milestones. See a professional example and use our expert advice.
Craft your carpentry CV with our expert tips and succeed in your job hunt. Gain inspiration from a professional carpenter CV example.
Craft a standout supervisor CV with our expert writing tips. Check our professional supervisor CV example and learn how to customise it to your needs.
Elevate your career with a professional finance assistant CV. See a real-life finance assistant CV example and follow our tips to create your job application.
Master your trainee accountant CV with our expert tips and professional examples. See a sample CV for accountant trainees to get inspired.
Nail your credit controller CV with our expert writing tips. Read a professional credit controller CV example and personalise it using our advice.
Learn how to create a buyer CV that will elevate your career to the next level. See an inspiring buyer CV example & follow our expert advice.
Unlock the secrets to a standout CV for HR assistants with our in-depth guide. See a high-quality HR assistant CV example and learn how to personalise it.
Craft a standout managing director CV with our expert writing tips. See a professional managing director CV example and learn how to write yours.
Discover the essentials of a standout apprenticeship CV with expert tips. Read our apprentice CV example to get inspired and move your career forward.
Land your dream role with our essential guide to creating an early years practitioner CV. Find tips, examples, and more to make your application stand out.
Land your dream role with our expert tips on crafting a compelling psychology graduate CV. Let our psychology graduate CV example inspire you.
Learn how to create an impactful CV for cashier jobs with our exclusive tips. Read a professional cashier CV sample and follow the steps to personalise it.
Learn to write a pharmacy assistant CV with this step-by-step guide. Includes a pharmacy dispenser CV example & expert tips on how to personalise it.
Master your illustrator CV with our expert writing tips. See a professional illustrator CV template and learn how to personalise it.
Land your dream yacht job with our expert tips on creating a standout yacht CV. Let our yachting CV template navigate your way.
Elevate your career with a stellar general practitioner CV. See a professional GP CV example and follow expert tips to create your application.
Unlock your potential with our painter and decorator CV guide. See a painted & decorator CV example to get inspired and follow the tips to personalise it.
Unlock the formula for the perfect chemistry CV with our specialised writing tips, a professional chemist CV example, and 2025 CV writing trends.
Land your dream library job in 2025 with our expert tips. See a professional librarian CV example to get inspired, then personalise it by following the guide.
Master the art of creating a freelancer CV with practical tips, templates, and real-life examples to showcase your freelance work and skills.
Unlock the secrets to a standout self-employed CV with our expert tips. See a self-employed CV example and learn how to create a similar one.
Unlock the secrets to a standout nursery nurse CV with our expert writing tips. See a professional nursery nurse CV example and get started.
Land your dream role with our expert guide on crafting an HR advisor CV. Follow our HR advisor CV example to create a standout application.
Master your HR administrator CV with our definitive guide. Read a professional HR administrator CV example and follow the tips to personalise it.
Craft a standout DevOps engineer CV with our expert writing tips. See a professional DevOps CV example and learn how to personalise it to match your profile.
Learn how to write an effective CV for any job with this general CV writing guide. See a general CV example and learn how to customise it.
Secure your next retail role with our expert supermarket CV writing guide. Get inspired by our supermarket CV example and learn how to personalise it.
How to prepare a great CV personal profile that involves the recruiter? See step-by-step instructions & 15 expert CV profile examples to draw inspiration.
Discover 10 expert tips for making a standout CV. Elevate your CV with actionable tactics and insider tricks to enhance your professional presentation.
Is writing a two-page cover letter a good decision? Check whether a two-page cover letter meets typical standards or exceeds recommended limits.
Should you hire a professional CV writer to prepare your application? Decide whether to invest in a CV writer or use a CV builder for more autonomy.
How can you ensure your CV is professional and leaves a lasting impression? Discover tips covering formatting, language, and content to craft an impactful CV.
Learn how to write a winning Primark CV with our expert tips and examples. Stand out to employers and land your dream job at Primark.
Land your next big role with our expert tips for a standout solution architect CV. Learn the essentials, view examples, and begin your career upgrade now.
Craft a standout document controller CV with our expert writing tips and industry-specific examples. Land your next document controller role in 2025 with ease.
Land your next job with our expert tips on creating a groundworker CV. Find top samples and writing strategies to make your application stand out.
Land your dream role on the tracks. Follow our expert advice to craft a compelling train driver CV with industry-tailored tips and standout examples.
Craft an impactful medical laboratory assistant CV with expert writing tips, and get inspired by our professional lab assistant CV example.
Secure your next role with our comprehensive guide on creating a standout transport manager CV. Get expert tips and view inspiring examples today.
Unlock the secrets of a winning logistics CV with our expert writing tips, industry-specific templates, and compelling examples. Land your dream role today.
Craft a blooming gardening CV with expert tips and inspiring gardener CV examples. Stand out and grab those interview invites in the green industry.
Land your dream role with a top-notch CV for physician assistant positions. This guide offers an inspiring physician assistant CV sample and expert tips.
Master your production assistant CV with our writing tips and compelling examples. Land top industry jobs with a professional CV for production assistant jobs.
Land your next role with our guide on creating a catering assistant CV. Use our tips to write a CV for catering assistant jobs that will impress employers.
Unlock the secrets of an impactful sales representative CV with our expert writing tips and compelling examples. Tailor your CV to stand out in 2025.
Unlock the secrets to a standout HR business partner CV with expert writing tips and compelling examples. Shape your professional narrative to impress.
Master the art of writing a financial controller CV with our expert tips and compelling examples. Stand out and secure your next finance role.
Craft a standout caregiver CV with our expert tips and examples. Learn the essentials of creating a compelling CV to advance your caregiving career.
Unlock the secrets to a standout assistant psychologist CV with our expert writing tips and impactful examples. Get ready to impress and land your dream job.
Read this full-stack developer CV example to get inspired and use our expert tips to create a professional CV for full-stack developer jobs.
This mental health nurse CV example will inspire you to apply for jobs that interest you. Our tips will help you write a professional mental health nurse CV.
Explore tips for crafting your SEN teaching assistant CV. See a great example and follow the instructions to craft a special needs teaching assistant CV.
Gain the edge with our expert advice on crafting a bricklayer CV. Find tips, examples, and templates to create an impressive CV that stands out in 2025.
Unlock the secrets of a standout supply teacher CV with our expert tips and examples. Tailor your substitute teacher CV to get the job you want.
Land the perfect law enforcement job with our expert tips on creating a standout police officer CV. Follow our comprehensive guide with practical examples.
Secure your dream role with our expert tips on crafting a finance business partner CV. Discover the secrets, from structure to samples.
Unlock the secrets to a standout office assistant CV with expert tips and dynamic examples. Get noticed in the 2025 job market. Start impressing now!
Land your next role with our expert tips for crafting a standout paramedic CV. Discover effective templates and examples to get job interviews.
Land your next leadership role with our expert tips on crafting a standout area manager CV. See a regional manager CV example for inspiration.
Land your dream kitchen role with our chef de partie CV writing guide. Find professional tips, templates, and samples to create a standout application.
Discover top strategies on how to get a job, whether you're a career switcher or a first-timer. Make your job search a breeze with our complete guide & tips.
Wondering how to write a good CV with little or no work experience? See expert advice on crafting a CV that compensates for a limited work history.
Choosing between Calibri and Arial for your CV? See our comments and recommendations to create the most impactful CV with a professional, readable font.
What should you include in your CV checklist to make sure it features all essential details? See our recommended list to ensure you include everything needed.
Can you use Google Docs to find a perfect CV template that matches your desired job? Check the answer with accurate expert comments and recommendations.
Discover the British standard for a CV, from length and format to key sections. Learn about the reverse-chronological order and what to include in your UK CV.
Learn how to craft a catchy summary about yourself for your CV. Follow these steps to highlight your professional identity, experience, and qualifications.
Discover the key difference between a cover letter and a CV. Get answers to your questions and learn how to craft winning application documents.
From a captivating professional profile to a complete list of work experience and skills, find a thorough answer on how to make your own CV.
Find the answer to whether a CV can be made in a Word format and check its advantages. Learn about the most popular CV format alternative, too.
Wondering whether a 500-word cover letter is too lengthy? Discover if a 500-word cover letter length aligns with standards and recommendations.
Learn how to create a standout taxi driver CV with our expert guide. Find tips, templates, and examples that will drive your career forward.
Learn how to craft a standout McDonald's CV. Our blog offers expert tips and examples to help you land the job. Start your McDonald's career today.
Prepare a professional CV for your security officer position. Find your dream job by following our expert tips and using our security officer CV sample.
Craft a standout stay-at-home mum CV with practical tips, examples, and expert advice. Maximise your return to the workforce with a professional CV.
Craft your standout building surveyor CV with our expert tips and examples. Elevate your career potential in the surveying industry today.
Master the art of creating a civil engineer CV with our expert guide. See a professional civil engineering CV example to get inspired.
Prepare a professional CV for your job at Tesco. Find your dream job by following our expert tips and using our Tesco CV sample.
Learn how to write an Amazon CV with our expert tips and examples. Boost your chances of landing your dream job at Amazon.
These expert tips will help you perfect your infrastructure engineer CV. Explore our professional infrastructure engineer CV examples and actionable advice.
Unlock the secrets to a standout restaurant supervisor CV with our expert tips and compelling examples. Elevate your career in the hospitality industry today.
Discover expert tips and compelling examples to craft a standout non-executive director CV that captures attention. Elevate your boardroom candidacy today.
Learn how to write an Asda CV with our tips and examples. Follow these steps to create a standout resume and enhance your job application.
Unlock the secrets to crafting a standout postman CV with our top tips and compelling examples. Elevate your Royal Mail job application today.
Craft the perfect Agile delivery manager CV with our expert tips and examples. Propel your career forward by showcasing your Agile skills effectively.
Master your mini pupillage CV with our expert tips and practical examples. Stand out to chambers and secure your spot. Read now for actionable advice.
Expert advice on composing an employment advisor CV, featuring practical tips and examples. Enhance your job application today.
Unlock the secrets to an impressive logistics coordinator CV with our expert tips and examples. Stand out in your job search today.
Learn how to write a standout JD Sports CV with expert tips and examples. Follow our guide to impress employers and land the JD Sports job you want.
Unlock the secrets to an impressive exam invigilator CV with our comprehensive guide. Discover effective tips, strategies, and examples to stand out.
Discover expert advice on creating a compelling family support worker CV, featuring actionable tips and real-life examples to stand out.
Unlock the secrets to crafting a standout paraplanner CV with our professional tips and examples. Elevate your career in financial planning today.
Unlock the secrets to crafting a winning nursery manager CV with our professional tips and illustrative examples. Stand out in your job search today.
Discover essential tips for creating a standout purchase ledger clerk CV. From structure to examples, boost your job application today.
Learn to write a winning Morrisons CV with our comprehensive guide. Get expert tips, practical examples, and boost your chances of getting hired.
Discover expert tips and compelling examples for crafting an impressive SEN teacher CV. Elevate your application and secure your dream role.
Discover expert tips and compelling examples to craft your property developer CV. Stand out to employers and secure your next role in property development.
Learn to craft a standout KFC CV with our expert tips and examples. Follow our guide for a successful application and land your job at KFC today.
Learn how to write a standout Nando’s CV and start your career in hospitality. Get tips and read our professional Nando’s CV example for inspiration.
Unlock the secret to an impressive course representative CV with our expert tips and examples. Stand out in your student representative application today.
Discover key strategies for crafting a standout cardiac physiologist CV with our expert writing guide and examples. Elevate your career today.
Learn step-by-step how to craft a standout Costa Coffee CV. Get tips, examples, and best practices to create a CV for coffee shop attendant jobs.
Discover essential medical secretary CV writing tips and examples to elevate your job application. Stand out with a professionally crafted CV.
Discover how to write a standout Lidl CV with our expert tips and examples. Learn the best practices to boost your chances of landing a job at Lidl.
Learn how to write a standout Subway CV with expert tips and examples. Impress employers and land that sandwich artist job now.
Learn how to write a standout Burger King CV with expert tips and examples. Land a new job in fast food today with our detailed guide.
Unlock the secrets to a standout camera trainee CV with our professional tips and compelling examples. Make your first impression count in the film industry.
Unlock the secrets to crafting a standout event steward CV with our expert tips and real-world examples. Make your application shine in the competitive field.
Discover expert tips on writing a CV for football scouts. Get inspiration from our professional football scout CV example & boost your career.
Land your dream role with our expert tips for an assistant buyer CV. Discover how to highlight your skills with professional examples and templates.
Learn how to write a standout Deloitte CV with expert tips. Read our Deloitte CV example and follow the guide to craft your job application for Deloitte jobs.
Learn how to craft a standout Sainsbury's CV with our expert tips. Follow our Sainsbury’s CV example and boost your chances of landing the job.
Learn how to craft the perfect Zara CV with our tips and examples. Stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing the job.
Learn how to craft a standout H&M CV with our expert tips. Get inspired by our H&M CV example & impress hiring managers by crafting a professional application.
Get expert tips for crafting a standout Marks and Spencer CV. Personalise our Marks and Spencer CV example & apply for the job you want.
Learn how to write a KPMG CV that stands out. Read tips to ace your job application and use our KMPG CV example to get inspired.
Learn to craft a standout Uber driver CV with our tips and examples. Boost your chances of getting hired by showcasing your experience and skills effectively.
Learn how to write an internship CV that’s sure to get you hired. Comes with a free internship CV example and expert tips. No experience necessary!
How to find a job in London and get to the lively streets of this vibrant city? See how to win a job in 7 steps and learn tips to boost your employability.
Showcase your strategic vision and leadership in a format that stands out. Use our product manager's CV example, which opens doors to great opportunities.
What is an ATS-friendly CV, and how to prepare one? This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about ATS-optimised CVs, templates, and more.
What are power words in a CV? Learn how strategic word choices can boost your resume, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.
Find out if a cover letter is more important than a CV. Learn how a compelling cover letter can complement your CV and help you secure a job.
Discover the key differences between a job CV and an academic CV. Learn how to tailor your CV for professional roles and academic positions.
Find out whether to put your CV or cover letter first. Learn the best practices for formatting your application documents to make a strong impression.
Learn how to create a CV on your phone with our step-by-step instructions. Follow our tips for formatting, proofreading, and emailing your CV.
Find out if it's acceptable to write a cover letter in an email with our detailed FAQ. See our tips and learn to make a strong first impression.
Learn whether you must include your name in a cover letter and why it's important. Get tips on proper cover letter structure to make the process easier.
See if skipping a cover letter is unprofessional and how it may affect your job application. Discover reasons why writing a cover letter is beneficial.
Learn how to sign a cover letter with the right closing, whether to use “Yours sincerely” or “Best regards,” and how to format your signature properly.
Learn why sending your CV as an image is not recommended, and why text-based formats like PDF or Word are preferred by employers and Applicant Tracking Systems.
Is adding two references to a CV enough, or should you add a few more? Read on to discover what is the perfect number of references for your CV.
Wondering how far back your CV should go? Learn the best practices for professionals of all levels to keep your CV relevant and impactful.
What makes a good CV that stands out to employers? Learn about the key elements of an impactful CV, such as clear structure and tailored and concise content.
What skills do employers value most in candidates? Explore essential skills employers seek and learn how to showcase them effectively in your CV.
Are cover letters considered important in the UK? Check whether including a cover letter alongside your CV adds value to your application.
Should you attach your CV to your LinkedIn profile? Here's our recommendation on whether to include a CV on LinkedIn or not.
Discover our expert recommendations on choosing the ideal font size for your CV. Ensure readability and professionalism with our tips on CV font sizes.
Is Microsoft Word a suitable choice for crafting your CV? Discover our recommendations and explore alternative formats for effectively sharing your CV.
How to take a professional CV photo and is it always recommended? Explore our guidance on including a professional photo in your CV.
Are there cover letter templates available in Word that you could use? Explore how to access Word's cover letter templates or consider alternative options.
See the top 50 highest-paying jobs in the UK for 2025 across different industries. Explore salary ranges, job descriptions, and expectations.
How to shorten a cover letter to keep it within recommended limits? Check expert tips with explanations on trimming content and avoiding repetition.
Discover which CV buzzwords to avoid in your job application. Learn which overused terms fail to impress and how to replace them with impactful language.
What shouldn’t you include in a CV? Discover a list of unnecessary details that could harm your application so you can focus on what truly matters.
How to check if your CV is ATS-compliant? Discover tips to make your CV ATS-friendly and ensure it passes the ATS screening.
Discover the best writing style for a successful cover letter. Structure your cover letter using a confident, engaging, and clear tone throughout.
Discover why artists need a CV and how it highlights career achievements like exhibitions and awards. See how an artist’s CV differs from a standard CV.
Wondering if you can get a job without a CV? Learn why submitting a well-written CV increases your chances of being noticed and invited for an interview.
See why you should send your cover letter as a PDF. Attain a polished look and clean formatting, avoiding the compatibility issues common with Word documents.
Discover the best fonts for a professional and appealing cover letter. Find the top 10 choices for fonts that balance readability, style, and tone.
Boost your CV without work experience by highlighting key skills, showcasing extracurriculars, and tailoring each section to impress potential employers.
Is it okay to use a general cover letter? See why tailoring each cover letter to the job can boost your chances of landing your ideal role.
Discover who to use as a reference on your CV. From former bosses to professors, see which people can vouch for your skills, professionalism, and potential.
Is lying on a CV worth it? It can lead to legal penalties, including jail time, and damage your reputation. Learn the serious risks of dishonesty on your CV.
Wondering if your CV can be 3 pages in the UK? Yes, but only if you have substantial experience to demonstrate. Learn about the ideal CV length here.
Is Arial a good font for a cover letter? Yes, it’s clear, professional, and easy to read. Explore why Arial works well and discover other font options.
Not sure what to write in the subject line when sending your CV? Use these formats to ensure your email stands out and is easily identified by hiring managers.
Discover the best font size, spacing, and layout tips for a professional cover letter. Ensure readability and clean design with these key formatting guidelines.
Learn how to make your cover letter stand out with tips on personalisation, tone, structure, and demonstrating your fit for the job. Get noticed by employers!
Learn whether to send your cover letter and CV as separate documents or combine them into one file. Get tips on formatting, presentation, and maximising impact.
Learn how to create a CV from scratch, even without formal job experience. Get tips on what to include and where to find professional CV writing assistance.
Find out how to access cover letter templates in Google Docs or use a dedicated cover letter builder for expert tips, formatting, and time-saving features.
Learn if “To whom it may concern” is professional for cover letters. Discover why addressing a specific person makes a stronger impression.
Discover the top 10 career experts in the UK for 2024, known for transforming careers, driving diversity, and shaping the future of the job market.
This AI research scientist CV can help you land jobs in the growing AI field. Follow our AI researcher CV example to create a powerful job application.
Is ”Dear Sir/Madam” still appropriate in cover letters? Learn why this greeting is considered outdated and discover better alternatives for your cover letter.
Can a cover letter be creative? Learn how to balance creativity and professionalism in a cover letter to showcase your skills, qualifications, and passion.
Is it okay to use bullet points on a CV? See how bullet points can highlight your skills and achievements, making your CV concise, organised, and easy to read.
What not to say in your cover letter? Learn which phrases and topics to avoid, ensuring your cover letter remains professional, specific, and impactful.
Boost your CV with top skills for remote jobs! Learn to highlight remote work expertise and improve your CV with remote work skills to land new opportunities.
Craft a standout sales associate CV with expert tips and examples. Highlight your skills and experience to impress potential employers and land your dream job.
Antonino Casablanca
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Antonino Casablanca has been a career expert and writer for several years. He devotes his time to supporting his readers in their professional development. He holds a degree in interpretation and translation and a master's in TIS.
Beatriz Gemignani
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Beatriz is a career expert and professional CV writer. Holder of a bachelor's and master's degree in languages from the University of São Paulo, she has experience in teaching, translating and writing articles.
Carmen Peel
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Carmen is a career expert and a professional resume writer. She is a linguist and has experience in writing, translating and proofreading. Her goal is to help people looking for new opportunities in their careers.
Daria Tecza
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
Daria is a seasoned professional with 6 years of experience in employee acquisition and recruiting processes. With a degree in psychology, she promotes employee well-being by addressing their needs.
Denise Hoferichter
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Denise is a writer and career expert. Her passion for helping candidates find the best job has led her to write concise, easy-to-follow and current articles, particularly on CV writing.
Filip Hus
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Filip is a writer with a rich academic background, holding a bachelor's degree in applied foreign languages from Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University and a master's degree in languages and management from Jagiellonian University.
Malgorzata Sury
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Malgorzata is a career expert and editor with experience in media. She has written studies on the labour market that have been cited in Forbes, Polska Times, Rzeczpospolita, and other major Polish media outlets.
Marta Sakowicz
Editor, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Marta is a writer and content creator for LiveCareer. Her professional experience, thanks to the multiple recruitment processes she has participated in as a hiring manager, adds additional value to her career advice.
Natalia Stawiarska
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Natalia is a writer with over 5 years of experience creating digital content for multinational companies. She has a degree in Italian philology and linguistics. She guides her readers in creating CVs and cover letters for any job.
Nelly Gorak
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Nelly is a writer and career advice expert whose work has been cited in newspapers such as Le Figaro, les Échos as well as several online publications in France and abroad.
Nina Paczka
Writer, Career Expert
Nina is a career expert whose work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Yahoo!, CNBC and many other media outlets. With a master's degree in English, she helps job seekers develop their careers.
Patrycja Mazurczak
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Patrycja is a career expert who specialises in helping you create compelling CVs and cover letters. With over 10 years of experience in content creation processes, she brings her expertise to the forefront of the industry.
Paulina Sliwinska-Niszczota
Senior Talent Acquisition and Career Development Specialist
Paulina is a seasoned specialist in talent acquisition and career development. With a degree in psychology, she excels at finding ideal candidates for positions at LiveCareer.
Zaneta Spadlo
Writer, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)
Zaneta is a career expert and editor, cited among others by Forbes Woman Polska, Rzeczpospolita, PulsHR, Polish Press Agency, Polska Press and Puls Biznesu. She has been active in marketing and media for over 10 years.
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